
90% of everything is moved by the ocean.

What moves you?

Veer’s service has never been offered before: moving containers across the ocean, completely clean.

Veer is actively seeking collaborations with brands who want to demonstrate their commitment to the oceans.

By moving clean, brands help support SDG 14.

By using only clean propulsion - green hydrogen with wind - Veer will remove the shipping footprint of your product.

Join the movement. Request our info pack or schedule a call with our team using the form below.

Request more Information.

Veer is seeking parters now. To build momentum, we are seeking statements of support and letters of intent from brands who want to ship clean.

Request our information pack, which has been specifically design for booking enquiries.

Lush’s commitment to decarbonise our global transport is dependent on partnerships with innovative organisations like Veer.

Our roadmap to net zero transport means being early adopters of hydrogen shipping and so we are very excited at the possibility of partnering with Veer’s first vessel.


Here are some quick answers - if you want to know more, scroll up and request our information pack specifically designed for booking enquiries.

  • Veer’s first ship design can move 152 twenty- foot containers. Around 12 of those may be refrigerated containers.

    Veer aims to work with clients who may charter all or most of this capacity, but there is no minimum requirement for moving goods. If you are interested in shipping one container, let us know!

  • Veer’s first ship design is 100m, or 328 feet, in length. For more information about ship specifications, request more information in the form above.

  • Veer’s first ship is designed to move fast - up to 18+ knots using only the wind.

  • Veer’s first ship is designed for medium to long voyages. Crossing the Atlantic Ocean is a good example of an ideal range. Having said that - it is possible for Veer’s first design to make the longest trips on earth. To learn more about voyage plans, and how we eliminate range anxiety, request more information in the form above.

  • Veer’s competitive price depends on volume shipped and length of contract.

    Long-term charterers save up to 25%, with stable pricing due to clean energy.

    Chartering a ship includes hosting events in port and four guest cabins.

    Request an estimate for your shipment today in the form above!